Courage and Spice: the podcast for humans with Self-doubt

We are Stardust with Agnes Becker

November 23, 2022 Sas Petherick / Agnes Becker Episode 129

Today, we are visiting our guest, Agnes Becker’s world.

This is the world of we are stardust - a place where art and science collide to enrich your experience of and relationship with our messy, beautiful universe.

So what’s this episode really about?

Agnes creates artwork that inspires connection with the more-than-human world and online adventures that encourage you to rewild your soul.

We talk about wonder, and hidden worlds, and finding both by slowing down and really looking. Agnes' invitation is to engage our senses and notice - and we'll be rewarded with the gift of opening our perception of ourselves and the way we experience the world.

There is so much wonder in Agnes’ work. If you feel like you’re rushing around but you’re aware that something else is going on beyond that, in nature and in some deeper part of you, our conversation will help you find your way to your wild and beautiful soul.

We discuss the attention economy, that first spring of COVID-19, how to let go of urgency and the grief that can come up when we reconnect with the natural world. She talks about how she navigated her way to a place where she weaves art and science together, and how We are Stardust is her place to belong in the world.

If you’d like to connect to the more-than-human world, Agnes offers a portal.

Rewild Your Soul Workshop / Autumn Leaf Painting Workshop
Braiding Sweetgrass - Robin Wall Kimmerer
Sophie Strand
Alan Watts quote / Ram Dass quote / Finding meteorite impacts in Aboriginal oral tradition

Connect with Agnes Becker:
Instagram:    @wearestardustuk

You can quote me on that…
“We are creatures not computers.” - Sas Petherick

“That tiny moment, to look at that one leaf, it can change the perception of yourself, and change the way you’re thinking about the world and your life.” - Agnes Becker

“What I love is the learning. Not just through the science but through the experience and observation and attention that art invites you to cultivate.” - Agnes Becker

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