Courage and Spice: the podcast for humans with Self-doubt

Why criticism is so crunchy

March 01, 2023 Sas Petherick Episode 133

Urgh criticism is The Worst, isn't it?  Just the thought of it makes most of us clench up. So let's have a peek at what's actually going on.

In this episode, we'll explore why we are so afraid of criticism, where that 'urgh' reaction comes from, and what we can do to get more comfortable with what other people think.

For this week’s free resource, you can download my recent workshop What will people think?!, which dives even further into how to lovingly detach from other people’s opinions:

Have a question about self-doubt that you want me to answer? You can submit a question for the podcast right here:



“Self-doubt isn't particularly logical or rational. Most of the time we can see that this is not a very healthy belief for me to hold, but somehow, can't go through with an alternative.”

“Anyone's opinion of you is first filtered through their own perspective. We have to be discerning about whose criticism is worth listening to”

"Every quality is neutral. There is no inherent best or right way; it's all in the context and the nuance between the two poles."

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